Fruitful Participation; Stakeholders Perspectives on the Diet Action Plan Review; Shetland visit; food, health and homelessness; SCOFF; East Lothian Roots and Fruits celebrate 10 years
Topic: participatory appraisal
Fare Choice Issue 40
Fruitful Participation
This publication gives a snapshot of how getting people involved in decision-making around food and health issues can be enjoyable, democratic, empower those involved and make a difference.
Dysart Food and Health Initiative
An evaluation of a project using participatory appraisal methods to explore the opportunities for increasing healthy eating choices in the Dysart regeneration area in Fife.
Fare Choice Issue 38
Name change; national policy; Scottish Diet Action Plan Review; SCOFF research article; Leithland Food Festival; Fruits and Roots; Strathmore and the Glens; Bridges conference; PA training; diary
Wallyford Participatory Appraisal
Using a range of visual tools the group engaged with a wide range of people in Wallyford to determine what is important to them about local food access.
On Track
The report of the SCDP’s networking conference held on 3 November 2005 at the Quality Hotel, by Central Station, Glasgow.
Participatory Appraisal Energiser day
A short report on the outcomes of an energiser day which followed on from the second Partcipatory Appraisal training course.
Fare Choice Issue 33
Free School Meals Bill; small grants scheme 2005; study tour to Wales; SCOFF nutrition research; Bridgend Farm; Harvest for Health; Orkney Association of Youth Clubs; Confidence to Cook; Question Time; Food Train; Healthy Scotland Convention
Food Matters Issue 5
Edition 5 of our regular e-bulletin update on developments in food, health and homelessness in Scotland.