In October 2014, CFHS commissioned a group of research scientists to consider questions of food insecurity/poverty in Scotland. The main aim of the research was to explore the wider context of household food poverty/insecurity (HFI) in Scotland and to develop an understanding of the current level and nature of HFI to inform policy and practice. The …
Policy and planning
The nature and extent of food poverty/insecurity in Scotland
Publishers: Commissioned by CFHS, NHS Health Scotland, Rowett Institute
Publication category: Policy and planning
Related topics: community food activity, food poverty, research
Areas of Work: Food poverty and access, Research and evaluation
Food plus in practice
How community food initiatives working to reduce food poverty are delivering a range of services. The publication includes examples of eight community food initiatives that are offering emergency food aid and more.
Publishers: Community Food and Health (Scotland), NHS Health Scotland
Publication category: Policy and planning
Areas of Work: Community cafes and retailing, Food poverty and access
Older people eat well: literature review
In early 2014, CFHS worked with Evaluation Support Scotland to commission a short evidence review of the literature on the ways in which the third sector supports older people to eat well. This has now been published as part of the ESS ‘Stitch in Time’ programme. The starting point for the review was the nested …
Publishers: Commissioned by CFHS, Evaluation Support Scotland
Publication category: Policy and planning
Related topics: community food activity, diet and nutrition, evaluation, older people, research
Areas of Work: Older people, Research and evaluation
Study tour to London
The study tour took place between 1 and 3 October 2013. Ten people took part in a busy two days, which included 10 different visits/meetings across London. The report provides an overview of the tour and the organisations we visited.
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication category: Policy and planning
Related topics: access, affordability, food poverty, older people, study tours and exchanges
Areas of Work: Food poverty and access, Networking and learning development, Older people
Building blocks and baby steps
This report reflects a short programme of work to investigate the impact and influence of community food intiatives in relation to maternal and infant nutrition.
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication categories: Children and young people, Policy and planning
Related topics: baby feeding, case studies, children, community food activity, diet and nutrition, early years, policy, women and mothers
Area of Work: Families with children
Far reaching fare
This publication looks at the role that community initiatives can play in building reach into policy and practice around food access.
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication category: Policy and planning
Related topics: case studies, community food activity, inclusion, inequalities, policy
Area of Work: Food poverty and access
The impact of cooking courses on families
This short report provides a summary of research commissioned by CFHS that studied the impact of cooking skills on families.
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication categories: Cooking and growing, Policy and planning
Related topics: cookery sessions, families, parents and carers, training and qualifications, young people
Areas of Work: Cookery skills, Families with children, Research and evaluation
Mapping of the Community and Voluntary Sector Contributions to Improving Maternal and Infant Nutrition in Scotland
This report sets out the findings from mapping the contributions of the community and voluntary sector to improving maternal and infant nutrition in Scotland. The study was commissioned by CFHS.
Publishers: Commissioned by CFHS, Rock Solid Social Research
Publication categories: Children and young people, Policy and planning
Areas of Work: Families with children, Research and evaluation
The impact of community cookery skills activities on families – a comparison between three different approaches
In October 2012 Consilium Research and Consultancy Limited was commissioned by CFHS to explore the impact of different approaches to delivering community cookery skills activities on families. The research aims to identify and analyse the sustainable outcomes for families engaging in three approaches to delivering cooking courses.
Publishers: Commissioned by CFHS, Consilium Research and Consultancy
Publication categories: Cooking and growing, Policy and planning
Related topics: cookery sessions, families, parents and carers, research, young people
Areas of Work: Families with children, Research and evaluation
Malnutrition Summit Report
Earlier this summer the Scottish Government organised a well-attended malnutrition summit, with the assistance of NHS Health Scotland, where a full and frank exploration of the issues and direction of travel took place.