Community Food and Health (Scotland) or CFHS aims to ensure that everyone in Scotland has the opportunity, ability and confidence to access a healthy and acceptable diet for themselves, their families and their communities. We do this by supporting work with and within low-income communities that addresses health inequalities and barriers (availability, affordability, skills and culture) to healthy and affordable food.
Through our work we aim to support communities to identify these barriers; develop local responses to addressing the barriers; and highlight where actions at other levels, or in other sectors, are required.
We value the experience, understanding, skills and knowledge within Scotland’s community food initiatives and their unique contribution to developing and delivering policy and practice at all levels.
CFHS updates
The community food sector has a long history of helping individuals and families to access affordable, nutritious food. However, many community food initiatives achieve far more than this, using food as a powerful vehicle to bring people together, connect communities and meet people’s wider, holistic needs. We have four new case studies on the Public …
We would be grateful if you could take the time to complete this short survey, which we are undertaking to help us understand how people currently use the Community Food and Health (Scotland) website and other resources and what features of the website and also our e-bulletin, help people in their job. Together with recent …
Our latest e-bulletin features information about, and a link to, our user insight survey, as well as news about the latest webinars and reports on topics such as healthy weight, climate challenge, food growing, food costs and more. You can view the January e-bulletin here.
Between spring and autumn 2024 we engaged with stakeholders from the community food sector, including the wider voluntary and public sector engaged in community food, to better understand what is needed to strengthen community food work across Scotland. Through these conversations, stakeholders told us about their successes, challenges and barriers and ideas on how to …
Our latest e-bulletin features some findings from our community food stakeholder engagement, as well as news about the latest webinars and reports on topics such as healthy weight, climate challenge, food growing, food costs and more. You can view the December e-bulletin here.
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