CWIN in partnership with NHS Health Scotland and Community Food and Health (Scotland) took part in community-led research into food security. They explored participants’perceptions of food security (eating well) and how to address food insecurity.
Food security
Food Security for All – Community-Led Research
Publishers: Central & West Integration Network, Community Food and Health (Scotland), NHS Health Scotland
Publication category: Food security
Related topics: community-led, food insecurity, research
Areas of Work: Food poverty and access, Research and evaluation
It’s no Gordon Ramsay
This research was conducted a by a group of community participant researchers exploring the experience of food security and insecurity and how this was reflected in the choices and attitudes of individuals in their community. It was funded by The work is an ideographic study that applies the principles of Participant Action Research (PAR) and …
Publishers: Borders Healthy Living Network, Community Food and Health (Scotland), NHS Health Scotland
Publication category: Food security
Related topics: community-led, food insecurity, men, research, women and mothers
Community Led – Good Food Research
This report describes an NHS-funded/CFHS-supported, community-led research project that explores the relevance of the issue of ‘food security’ to a range of adults, with different life experiences and current life circumstances who live in the area.
Publishers: Community Food and Health (Scotland), Linwood Community Development Trust, NHS Health Scotland
Publication category: Food security
Related topics: community-led, food insecurity, food poverty, research
Areas of Work: Food poverty and access, Research and evaluation
A snapshot of Covid-19, food insecurity and community food initiatives
In March 2020, the community and voluntary, private and public sectors responded to the Covid-19 pandemic and subsequent lockdown. Community food initiatives either closed because of lockdown restrictions or rapidly changed their services to meet a rise in the need for food delivery or food aid services. This snapshot attempts to summarise what happened, and …
Publishers: Community Food and Health (Scotland), Public Health Scotland
Publication category: Food security
Related topics: access, food insecurity, shopping
Food security, diet and obesity – a community-led research project exploring the experiences of ethnic minority groups
This community-led research approach builds on a previous CWIN project exploring food security in black and ethnic minority (BME) people in Glasgow. They recruited and trained a team of 12 community researchers to participate in the design and implementation of the research project.