This report provides an overview of an event called ‘Maternal and infant nutrition framework: supporting a Healthy Start’. This event took place in May 2014 and included learning from previous and ongoing work around Healthy Start programmes in the Forth Valley area that were supported by Community Food and Health (Scotland).
Children and young people
Maternal and infant nutrition framework: supporting a Healthy Start
Publishers: Community Food and Health (Scotland), NHS Health Scotland
Publication categories: Children and young people, Conferences and networking
Related topics: children, community food activity, conference, diet and nutrition, early years
Areas of Work: Families with children, Networking and learning development
Building blocks and baby steps
This report reflects a short programme of work to investigate the impact and influence of community food intiatives in relation to maternal and infant nutrition.
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication categories: Children and young people, Policy and planning
Related topics: baby feeding, case studies, children, community food activity, diet and nutrition, early years, policy, women and mothers
Area of Work: Families with children
Mapping of the Community and Voluntary Sector Contributions to Improving Maternal and Infant Nutrition in Scotland
This report sets out the findings from mapping the contributions of the community and voluntary sector to improving maternal and infant nutrition in Scotland. The study was commissioned by CFHS.
Publishers: Commissioned by CFHS, Rock Solid Social Research
Publication categories: Children and young people, Policy and planning
Areas of Work: Families with children, Research and evaluation
Strengthening food work across ethnic minority communities: a focus on maternal and infant nutrition
This mapping exercise was carried out to provide a snapshot of voluntary and community organisations’ activity in relation to maternal and infant nutrition across ethnic minority communities in Scotland.
Publishers: BEMIS Scotland, Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication categories: Children and young people, Policy and planning
Related topics: baby feeding, children, diet and nutrition, mapping exercise, minority ethnic, parents and carers, women and mothers
Areas of Work: Families with children, Minority ethnic communities
From the ground up
This report represents a snapshot of community and voluntary sector activity that supported maternal and infant nutrition at a particular point in time – spring 2012.
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication categories: Children and young people, Policy and planning
Related topics: baby feeding, case studies, children, diet and nutrition, parents and carers, policy, women and mothers
Area of Work: Families with children
Putting Healthy Start on the map
Report from a pilot to promote maternal and infant nutrition and ‘Healthy Start’ in Falkirk
Publishers: Community Food and Health (Scotland), NHS Forth Valley
Publication category: Children and young people
Related topics: baby feeding, children, funding, infant nutrition, pregnancy and maternal health, weaning
Area of Work: Families with children
How to get beyond smoothies
This booklet features tips and ideas gathered from a CFHS youth, food and health networking event that focused on work with a range of young people.
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication categories: Children and young people, Cooking and growing
Related topics: cookery sessions, cooking, growing and gardening, healthy eating, tuck shops, young people
Area of Work: Food and nutrition training
TV dinners
This factsheet provides examples of how three youth groups were inspired by TV formats to create a friendly competitive environment to teach cookery skills.
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication categories: Children and young people, Cooking and growing
Related topics: case studies, cookery sessions, cooking, young people
Area of Work: Cookery skills
North Glasgow Youth Food Guidelines and Healthy Eating Toolkit
Following consultation with young people in the North Glasgow area, these guidelines and healthy eating toolkit were developed. As well as advice for clubs on what they can do to improve the availability of healthier food in youth clubs, the guidelines include ideas on how to run healthy eating, growing, and cookery activities, with ideas …
Publisher: North Glasgow Community Food Initiative
Publication categories: Children and young people, Cooking and growing
Related topics: cookery sessions, Glasgow, recipes, tuck shops, young people
Area of Work: Cookery skills
The contribution of community-based food and health activities to Improving Maternal and Infant Nutrition
CFHS’s new publication summarises the early years activities of 18 groups and agencies it funded in 2013 through the CFHS development fund. Improving Maternal and Infant Nutrition: A Framework for Action [PDF, 175kb]