This report reflects a short programme of work to investigate the impact and influence of community food intiatives in relation to maternal and infant nutrition.
Topic: children
Building blocks and baby steps
Strengthening food work across ethnic minority communities: a focus on maternal and infant nutrition
This mapping exercise was carried out to provide a snapshot of voluntary and community organisations’ activity in relation to maternal and infant nutrition across ethnic minority communities in Scotland.
From the ground up
This report represents a snapshot of community and voluntary sector activity that supported maternal and infant nutrition at a particular point in time – spring 2012.
Putting Healthy Start on the map
Report from a pilot to promote maternal and infant nutrition and ‘Healthy Start’ in Falkirk
Orchards and Grow Your Own Census Scotland
The Commonwealth Orchard has launched its report of a census of community orchards and grow your own projects carried out March 2011. The census includes comments from a range of growing projects from across Scotland.
Fare Choice Issue 49
Recipe for Success: Going Forth conference; Food Practices in an Institutional Context – Children, Care and Control; Edinburgh Cyrenians; Confidence to Cook; Weaning Toolkit; Third Sector Enterprise Fund
Early Years Self-evaluation Collaborative Stage Two Interim report
This report gives an account of how the Early Year Self-evaluation Collaborative has continued to embed evaluation systems into its work with parents and children. Five projects completed Stage Two and have written up individual evaluation reports that describe how they are demonstrating the impact of their work.
Out to Lunch
The findings from a survey they commissioned of S3 and S4 pupils at three different schools to examine why young people chose to take their lunch outside school and what they bought to eat.
Back in Touch
A report of the annual networking conference held on 11 October 2007 at Murrayfield Conference Centre, Edinburgh
Maternal and infant nutrition framework: supporting a Healthy Start
This report provides an overview of an event called ‘Maternal and infant nutrition framework: supporting a Healthy Start’. This event took place in May 2014 and included learning from previous and ongoing work around Healthy Start programmes in the Forth Valley area that were supported by Community Food and Health (Scotland).