Notes from a round table discussion held on 31 July on ‘constructive food and health policy and practice in the face of austerity’.
Topic: discussion
Footing the bill or thinking ahead
Hard to Stomach
Recommendations sought by the Scottish Government from a working group on food access and affordability, supported by CFHS, were sent to Ministers shortly before the recent election campaign. The report produced by the group involved representatives from community and voluntary organisations in Edinburgh, Lanarkshire, Fife and Dumfries and Galloway.
Economic Evidence for the Community and Voluntary Health Sector in Scotland
The Economic Evidence Working Group, led by NHS Health Scotland, has been exploring economic evidence for community led health organisations and how people can be supported to gather and use this type of evidence. In April 2010 the group hosted a roundtable discussion with community and voluntary organisations that have an interest in economic evidence …
Focus on food services for older people
On 25 February Community Food and Health (Scotland) and Consumer Focus Scotland co-hosted a roundtable discussion looking at issues around older people’s access to affordable healthy food of their choice.
Report from national food discussion seminar
On 18 March 2008 CFHS facilitated a national seminar to ensure that the experience and understanding of low-income communities is included in the development of a National Food Policy for Scotland. The report from that seminar has been submitted to the Scottish Government in response to the discussion paper ‘Choosing the Right Ingredients: The Future …
Back in Touch
A report of the annual networking conference held on 11 October 2007 at Murrayfield Conference Centre, Edinburgh
0-5 children and parents including infant nutrition
Notes from a roundtable discussion looking at what approaches are being developed to address health inequalities through food from a very early age.
The use of food in promoting health, wellbeing and the development of independent living skills for people experiencing homelessness
Roundtable discussion notes.
Fruit in Schools
Notes from a roundtable discussion on fruit in schools involving practitioners from around the country including those with experience of operating ‘fruit in schools’ schemes and others charged with setting them up
CFHS networking conference 2012: key themes from the table discussion
The CFHS annual networking conference took place at the Grand Central Hotel in Glasgow on Wednesday 7 November. On the right track? brought together everyone who has a role or interest in community food and health activity that addresses health inequalities in Scotland. The conference programme featured three separate parts: a discussion kicked off by Dr. Deirdre …