Challenges facing community food initiatives: community cookbooks; Early Years Food and Health project.
Topic: pregnancy and maternal health
Fare Choice Issue 58
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication category: Newsletters
Related topics: baby feeding, early years, economic crisis, obesity and overweight, pregnancy and maternal health, recipes
Area of Work: Information provision
Making a Difference
A workshop-based conference discussing the latest developments in food and health activities relating to policy and practice in Scotland
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication category: Conferences and networking
Related topics: conference, early years, networking, policy, practice, pregnancy and maternal health, Scottish Government
Area of Work: Networking and learning development
0-5 children and parents including infant nutrition
Notes from a roundtable discussion looking at what approaches are being developed to address health inequalities through food from a very early age.
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication category: Children and young people
Related topics: baby feeding, discussion, early years, infant nutrition, pregnancy and maternal health, weaning
Areas of Work: Families with children, Networking and learning development
Update on Reforms to the Welfare Food Scheme
A briefing paper outlining reforms to the Welfare Food Scheme through which an estimated 800,000 people across the UK receive vouchers for free fruit and vegetables
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication categories: Children and young people, Policy and planning
Related topics: baby feeding, consultation, free milk and food vouchers, infant nutrition, milk, pregnancy and maternal health, welfare
Area of Work: Families with children
Good Enough to Eat?
Briefing paper from joint SCDP/Maternity Alliance seminar held to discuss the range of activity already underway to improve the diet of pregnant teenagers and to identify remaining challenges and ways of tackling them together.
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication category: Children and young people
Related topics: baby feeding, pregnancy and maternal health, women and mothers, young people
Area of Work: Families with children
Putting Healthy Start on the map
Report from a pilot to promote maternal and infant nutrition and ‘Healthy Start’ in Falkirk