- Our Work
- Covid-19 updates and information
- Networking and learning development
- Research and evaluation
- Funding
- Information provision
- Older people
- Learning disability and autism
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Families with children
- Minority ethnic communities
- Food poverty and access
- Community cafes and retailing
- Cookery skills
- Food and nutrition training
- Our Work
Learning disability and autism
Adults with learning disabilities are more likely to be obese or underweight compared to the general population. They are also more likely to have osteoporosis, which is linked to a lack of exercise, poor nutrition and smoking.
However, access to easy-read information and support in learning food and nutrition skills is patchy, so many people with learning disabilities lack opportunities to make healthy choices about their diet. We have a small range of pictorial recipes and information in the resources section (see bottom of page) of our website.
Our plan for 2024/2025
CFHS is currently working with the Scottish Government, community food networks and our colleagues in Public Health Scotland to plan how the community food sector can be supported in the future.
News and updates
CFHS blog – How can you support people with learning disabilities to eat better?
Community cafe learning visit to Fly Cup Catering – places available
Improving food and health for adults with learning disabilities – learning from policy, research, and practice in the community
Improving food and health for adults with learning disabilities – learning from policy and practice in the community
Food and health in learning disability services roundtable meeting
CFHS commission Cyrenians Good Food to adapt Good Food Handbook
Plans for accessible food and health resources on our website