- Our Work
- Covid-19 updates and information
- Networking and learning development
- Research and evaluation
- Funding
- Information provision
- Older people
- Learning disability and autism
- Mental health and wellbeing
- Families with children
- Minority ethnic communities
- Food poverty and access
- Community cafes and retailing
- Cookery skills
- Food and nutrition training
- Our Work
Information provision
Our newsletter, Fare Choice, was published at least twice a year and fed readers information on our upcoming work and events, policy changes, current research, good practice examples, conference reports, news and publications.
We now have our e-bulletin, and Facebook page, as well as regular blog posts from staff and guest contributors.
In addition, we have published our research and evaluation work, factsheets, feedback from networking events, experiences of community food initiatives (CFIs) and occasional toolkits.
This website is home to most of our publications which are accessible in the library. We also augment our own information by curating web links to practical advice and resources to help CFIs run their projects effectively. There’s news, events and funding information too.
Our plan for 2024/2025
CFHS is currently working with the Scottish Government, community food networks and our colleagues in Public Health Scotland to plan how the community food sector can be supported in the future.
News and updates
July CFHS (Covid-19 and recovery) e-bulletin
How has Lanarkshire Community Food and Health Partnership supported a ‘cash first’ response to food insecurity?
Global Majority Fund
Using ‘cash first’ approaches to address food insecurity
Guest Blog: Cash First approaches to addressing food insecurity: What is the role of health visitors, midwives and family nurses?
Webinar on supporting communities to re-start safely
On-line cooking sessions -Tips and ideas from Edinburgh Community Food and Greener Kirkcaldy
February Covid-19 e-bulletin
What’s in a name? – Redistributing surplus food via Food hubs, food banks, social supermarkets, larders, community fridges and pantries….. Does the label matter?
Guest Blog: Cooking skills online – learning from Feeding Fifers