Community Food and Health (Scotland) ran a short online survey during the summer of 2017 to get a snapshot of cooking skills activities for people living on low incomes in Scotland during that year. This short report presents the findings from this survey.
Cooking and growing
What’s cooking in Scotland?
Publishers: Community Food and Health (Scotland), NHS Health Scotland
Publication category: Cooking and growing
Related topics: community food activity, cookery sessions, low income, survey
Area of Work: Cookery skills
Just getting on with it
Practitioners who run cooking skills courses have told us that they have worked with course participants who may be experiencing food insecurity and were struggling to feed themselves and their families. We wanted to explore this issue further by undertaking a short project to find out: what methods community cooking course practitioners currently use to support those …
Publishers: Community Food and Health (Scotland), NHS Health Scotland
Publication category: Cooking and growing
Related topics: case studies, community food activity, cookery sessions, food poverty, inclusion, low income, research
Areas of Work: Cookery skills, Food poverty and access
What’s cooking in Scotland? Part Three
This guide is for anyone who runs, manages or commissions cooking skills courses for people within low-income communities or who are vulnerable. It will also be useful for those designing or running train the trainer cooking skills courses.
Publishers: Community Food and Health (Scotland), NHs, NHS Health Scotland
Publication category: Cooking and growing
Related topics: community food activity, cookery sessions, cooking, evaluation, research
Area of Work: Cookery skills
Healthy diet and lifestyle for ethnic minority older people
The Older People Services Development project produced this healthy eating resource, with support from NHS Health Scotland, in response to an extensive consultation that shows ethnic minority older people can face barriers to accessing information on diet and lifestyle.
Publisher: Equality Scotland
Publication category: Cooking and growing
Related topics: access, diet and nutrition, healthy eating, inclusion, older people
Areas of Work: Minority ethnic communities, Older people
Ready Steady Ping!
Includes sections on: effective training, food hygiene and safety, Eatwell Plate, microwave cookery and microwave recipes.
Publishers: Community Food and Health (Scotland), NHS Borders, Scottish Borders Council
Publication category: Cooking and growing
Keyword: cookery sessions
Area of Work: Cookery skills
A review of practical cooking skills activities which focus on promoting an affordable healthy balanced diet for adults, young people and their families within low-income communities in Scotland
In 2014 Community Food and Health Scotland/NHS Health Scotland commissioned a realist review of community cooking skills activities run by community initiatives and agencies. The review planned to explore issues such as how the social circumstances of participants and the approach of the cooking skills activities can affect the outcomes. The researchers analysed 81 sets …
Publishers: Avril Blamey and Associates, Commissioned by CFHS, NHS Health Scotland
Publication category: Cooking and growing
Related topics: community food activity, cookery sessions, cooking, evaluation, research
Areas of Work: Cookery skills, Research and evaluation
The new REHIS Elementary Cooking Skills Course
In 2013 the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS) developed a new short accredited cooking course. CFHS supported the availability of this course by providing funding to 13 groups and agencies to register with REHIS and deliver the course in low-income communities. This report provides a summary of the views of trainers and describes …
Publishers: Community Food and Health (Scotland), NHS Health Scotland
Publication category: Cooking and growing
Related topics: community food activity, cookery sessions, funding, low income, training and qualifications
Area of Work: Cookery skills
The impact of cooking courses on families
This short report provides a summary of research commissioned by CFHS that studied the impact of cooking skills on families.
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication categories: Cooking and growing, Policy and planning
Related topics: cookery sessions, families, parents and carers, training and qualifications, young people
Areas of Work: Cookery skills, Families with children, Research and evaluation
Chopping and changing
This report is for anyone who runs, manages or commissions cooking skills courses. It uses evidence from a realist self-evaluation study group to show the impact of cooking skills courses on people who are affected by health inequalities: vulnerable people and parents managing on a low income.