This report reflects a short programme of work to investigate the impact and influence of community food intiatives in relation to maternal and infant nutrition.
Topic: case studies
Building blocks and baby steps
Far reaching fare
This publication looks at the role that community initiatives can play in building reach into policy and practice around food access.
Cooking up connections
This publication gives a flavour of what community food initiatives and disability learning support providers are doing to offer adults with learning disabilities access to food and health activities in order to improve their health and wellbeing.
From the ground up
This report represents a snapshot of community and voluntary sector activity that supported maternal and infant nutrition at a particular point in time – spring 2012.
Shared tastes and common values
Exploring Scotland’s past, current and potential future relationship between co-operation, food and health.
What’s Cooking in Scotland? Part Two
This publication gathers information from policies, research, and community food initiatives in Scotland to find out what difference community cookery makes to people in low-income communities.
What’s Cooking in Scotland? Part One
This publication is based on the experiences of community groups and agencies throughout Scotland and shows how they have addressed some of the issues that groups have concerns about when planning to set up and deliver cookery sessions.
World Cafe Case Study
With funding from CFHS, Community Organisation for Race Equality (CORE) has produced a case study on its World Cafe. It covers the background and history of the World Cafe, the essential elements of the model, the role of volunteers, the development of healthy recipes and how the cafe works to build links between individuals and …
The Vital Ingredient
This publication highlights examples of volunteering in community food and health work and demonstrates the value of volunteering for the volunteers and the community food initiatives.
Just getting on with it
Practitioners who run cooking skills courses have told us that they have worked with course participants who may be experiencing food insecurity and were struggling to feed themselves and their families. We wanted to explore this issue further by undertaking a short project to find out: what methods community cooking course practitioners currently use to support those …