This case study focuses on Edinburgh Community Food’s course with women who are in the criminal justice system and explores making recipe adaptations for participants who may be facing significant barriers to having a healthy balanced diet.
Read ‘Edinburgh Community Food – cooking with women in the criminal justice system’ hereCriminal justice programmes: case studies
Work with offenders, or those at risk of offending can be varied, for example, offering support that diverts people from criminal activity, helping people adjust to life outside prison or offering alternatives to custody so that people can pay back to society in different ways. The ways in which food and food work fits into this picture can be varied. Here we’d like to explore some of this complexity in a few case studies, looking at the context, the nature and contribution of food and food work in criminal justice programmes.
Apex Stranraer – using community food to help ex-offenders move on
How does food and food work contribute to criminal justice programmes? Apex Stranraer show us how they involve their service users in community food activities, working with Fareshare and a local farm to source food.
Read ‘Apex Stranraer – using community food to help ex-offenders move on’ here