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Apex Stranraer – using community food to help ex-offenders move on
How does food and food work contribute to criminal justice programmes? Apex Stranraer show us how they involve their service users in community food activities, working with Fareshare and a local farm to source food.
Background and context
Apex Scotland is a third sector organisation which has offices across Scotland and a social enterprise All Cleaned up (Scotland) Ltd. It engages with people of all ages and backgrounds who are the most disadvantaged and disengaged from society, and who are at risk of (re)offending. Apex works in a way which promotes desistance (i.e. cessation of offending or anti-social behaviour), it enables service-users to re-engage and work towards a positive future. Their vision is to support people to aim higher, behave differently and change their future.
This case study is based on Apex’s work in Stranraer, Dumfries and Galloway. Apex Stranraer works with people with a criminal record, or at risk of offending, people coming out of prison, on placements from justice services, women at risk of breaching unpaid work orders and those with barriers preventing them moving on with their lives.
Apex tailor their approach to each individual, respecting their different thoughts, desires and challenges. They work to effect positive change to ensure that each individual can fulfil their potential – even if they can’t yet see it in themselves. To help them do this Apex use a person centred tool, A Positive Future, which they devised themselves. The tool includes a range of elements focused on: health and wellbeing; skills, development and career; plus relationships and support. This enables Apex to ensure they are giving service users the correct support for what each individual needs at any given moment in their journey. It also allows service-users to clearly monitor their own progress in a visual way.
This person centred approach is reflected in the core services they run:
While these core services are highly intensive and focused on positive outcomes for individuals Apex have evolved their provision to provide additional support as they became aware of emerging or unmet need. These services (and their main food activities the soup kitchen and food bank explained below) extends their reach within the community beyond their normal core service user base. This has benefits, in terms of profile and reducing stigma, yet also raises challenges. These arise particularly due to the reliance on the service from statutory agencies referring people to the food bank, for which Apex receive no direct funding and have to apply annually to grant making bodies to keep the service going.
Moving In – provides home starter packs for people on benefits, low incomes or in crisis. Moving In developed from service users who realised that while Community Care Grants provided funds for larger items, often they didn’t have basic household items to set up a tenancy. Funding from a local housing provider helped them develop this and provide essential items such as a kettle. This service has now developed to be open to anyone above with referrals made from housing providers and other agencies or self-referral. The home start packs can contain bedding, towels, mugs, pots, cutlery and crockery. The goods are a mixture of new and second hand. Apex rely on donations from members of the public and also fundraise to buy goods. They can also give toiletries, toys and clothes for interviews or other important life events. The soup kitchen and food bank are also part of the Moving In service.
What food activities are Apex involved in?
Apex Stranraer have been using food activity to support service users for over 16 years, this has grown and evolved quite organically to meet emerging needs. Now most of their food activities are open to the whole community, though those who volunteer with Apex are mainly current or previous service users. The development of their food activities are linked to wider changes and developments in their service provision, hence as well as describing their current food activity we will illustrate how their food activities emerged and changed over time.
Initially their food work involved supporting service users to go shopping, using vouchers funded by a local church. In practice staff went with service users to a local shop, helped them choose produce up to a value of £10 and the church paid the shop directly. The support was part of ongoing work with individuals and not advertised, however, as this continued over a number of years other service providers became aware of it by word of mouth. Over time Apex secured some funds to run a literacy lunch, where individuals could get some tutoring and assistance with literacy with some lunch and social interaction. This expanded their involvement in food activity.
Benefits changes and rising need led Apex to consider whether or not to develop a food bank, and with the support/encouragement of a local church they became a Trussel Trust franchisee. With a grant from the Big Lottery Support and Connect Fund they were able to further develop this and grow the service to include a charity shop. As with other Trussel Trust food banks the service provides food parcels to people in crisis, due to benefit delays, homelessness and low income using a voucher system. Vouchers are supplied to relevant agencies, for example CAB and Social Work. Apex also provides relevant information and any signposting where necessary to those who access the service and may need further assistance. Apex can also advise people on how to use the food and store it. The food bank operates during normal office hours, though during the Christmas holidays emergency parcels are provided to local social work for distribution. Demand for the food bank is high with 550 parcels given out in 2018-19 and the trend in 2019-20 suggesting approximately 750 may be provided. In line with Trussel Trust national research, found here , the main reason for needing to use the Food Bank is issues with Universal Credit, with over half their referrals coming from statutory services, including a large proportion from Jobcentre Plus.
Apex are members of the Glasgow and West of Scotland Fareshare and Fareshare Go (involving produce from their local Tesco and Lidl). There are four members of Fareshare in Stranraer and produce is delivered to another local member on a weekly basis. The Unpaid Work Team pick up and deliver produce to Apex. This produce is used in their other activities, for example, the soup kitchen, food parcels, any cooking activities they run and some produce is shared with the Unpaid Work Team who can distribute it, store or freeze it as required. For example, the unpaid work team can pass on cuppa soups to individuals so they can make up a flask of soup to have something hot in the middle of the day as they undertake group placements in the community. Alongside Fareshare Apex also gets donations of fresh produce from a local farm, on average, this amounts to one box of produce a week. Fareshare and other donated food is also available in the office for anyone to take, for example bread and eggs.
Apex started to run a weekly soup club , ie soup kitchen, when they received A BIG Lottery Fund Support and Connect grant. This is now held every Tuesday and Thursday and coincides with the deliveries from Fareshare on a Thursday. On average there are 15- 20 people who attend each week though the participants may vary, with some only coming once a month. Some of the attendees are very vulnerable, including those in recovery from addiction. Attendees include members of the wider community, Apex staff (including senior staff visiting the unit) as well as current or previous service users. Colleagues from partner agencies may join the lunch to make informal links or discuss particular issues, for example, CAB or NHS Health Promotion staff. Those who use the charity shop or food bank are told about the soup kitchen as another way to ensure people get access to at least one hot meal a week. As the soup kitchen is held at the Apex premises, attendees are also able to pick up Fareshare or donated produce. REHIS qualified staff run the soup club with the help of a few volunteers, though from time to time catering students at Dumfries and Galloway College donate an urn of soup. Apex have grown a positive relationship with the College over the last two years. This developed from a Princes Trust programme in which there was a requirement to help another charity, where Apex was suggested as a potential partner. This led to the College taking over the running of the Christmas lunch for club attendees, preparing and hosting the event at the College, this has now happened twice. Beyond this College staff have taken some young service users (i.e. Employability Fund users) on a tour of the College, a link which they hope to build on. This fairly modest act can go a surprisingly long way in dispelling service users’ misperceptions or fears about going on to College.
Reflecting their person centred approach from time to time Apex may run cooking activities for their service users. These are run in their kitchen and office base using individual cooking rings depending on the numbers involved. The food cooked will usually come from Fareshare so the recipes used and meals made will vary, though typically these may include pasta with a sauce or simple soups. Through access to Individual Training Accounts Apex can support service users to do REHIS and other courses.
Depending on service users’ needs Apex may support people to take part in a local Incredible Edibles gardening project at Galloway Community Hospital. This involvement is therefore fairly fluid and again reflects their commitment to tailor support to suit the individual, for example, in terms of capacity, interest or CPO requirements. More information on Incredible Edibles can be found here .
What contribution does food activity make to Apex’s work?
Food activity is not a core part of Apex’s work though the role and volume of this has grown, particularly in relation to Food Bank and Fareshare. Given their food activity evolved from work to meet service user needs to services which are also open to the wider community this also raises the issue of proportionality in exploring and evaluating the contribution of food activities, for example:
To articulate the range of contributions food activity makes to Apex’s criminal justice work this narrative will focus most on the focus group feedback from service users and staff observations rather than benefits for the wider community.
Service users are able to complete CPO unpaid work hours through participation in food activities such as helping out with the food bank, Fareshare, gardening or soup kitchen. Unlike some unpaid work activities these can be seen to have more direct and personal impact on people in their community, so staff perceive that service users get a more immediate sense of doing work that is worthwhile and is needed. Plus the simple routine provided is important, as one focus group participant said,
Helping with the charity shop (i.e. where the food bank & Fareshare is co-located) or the soup kitchen can also contribute to softer outcomes connected to the persons sense of themselves and their self-worth as one focus group participant explains,
The fact that some continue to volunteer with these or the charity shop after they have completed their CPO’s further suggests that they both enjoy and gain from these experiences.
Service users particularly value the soup kitchen as they articulated at the focus group:
Those who participate in ad hoc cooking skills classes gain knowledge and skills contributing to their life skills, however as Apex can access Individual Learning Accounts service users can gain also gain REHIS Food Hygiene and other qualifications to help with moving on to employment or further training.
While much of the above reflects service users feedback, staff perceive additional benefits from the food and charity shop activities, for example: being able to access food if they need it can be an incentive for service users to attend for scheduled activities; it can act as a safety net if they are finding it hard to manage or difficult to ask for support it is a way to start the conversation; or a reason to get out if they are feeling lonely or isolated without having to admit this. Also being involved in food activities (e.g. either preparing for or clearing up the soup club) gives staff the opportunity for more natural conversations to build a relationship with the person or ask them how they are managing in a less formal way, this could be checking if they made their GP or hospital appointments. In addition, if service users don’t turn up when expected it offers a different way to ask about this in the context of helping at the charity shop or soup kitchen.
During the focus group discussion service users made some more general comments about the whole range of Apex services, including food activities, which speak to how much they value the social aspects and the sense of welcome they receive from Apex staff. These are also perhaps indicative of the experience for wider community members in accessing Apex’s food activities which could affect their perception of criminal justice services and offenders, service user comments included:
As wider community members access the food activities it could therefore reduce stigma and prejudice towards offenders within the community, though there is no direct evidence to support this. The sheer numbers of those seeking help via food bank and Fareshare illustrate the depth of need within the community and the important role Apex’s food activities play in tackling food insecurity. However this also creates challenges for Apex as this demand increases pressure on staff time, generates issues of storage capacity and needs to be funded.
So while food activities contribute to positive journeys for criminal justice service users their delivery for the wider community generates tensions for the organisation which are perhaps increasingly difficult to resolve.