Six colleagues from Finland arrived on 3 December 2018 to share experiences on work around older people and food. Their project in Finland ‘Eating Together – Lunches for Seniors’ involved organising lunches for older people with local businesses and charities in a sparsely populated region of South Savo in Finland. The seniors were also involved …
Older people
Finland study tour
New – tips for older vegetarians and vegans
Outside the Box has launched ‘Tips for older vegetarian and vegans’, as part of its Food Buddies programme. The tips include lots of suggestions, ideas and recipes for older people (including those affected by dementia) or for other that are supporting or working with older people. The publication can be accessed through this link:
Malnutrition Summit Report
Earlier this summer the Scottish Government organised a well-attended malnutrition summit, with the assistance of NHS Health Scotland, where a full and frank exploration of the issues and direction of travel took place.
Healthy diet and lifestyle for ethnic minority older people
The Older People Services Development project produced this healthy eating resource, with support from NHS Health Scotland, in response to an extensive consultation that shows ethnic minority older people can face barriers to accessing information on diet and lifestyle.
Older people’s food task force
This group continues to grow in reach and numbers, with new members from Age Scotland, Queen Margaret University, REHIS, the Befriending Network and the Health and Social Care Alliance welcomed to the latest meeting in November. Following the well-received presentation on the work of the task force at the CFHS annual networking conference in October, …
Older People’s Food Task Force
Participants on the study tour to London in October 2013 agreed when they got back to Scotland to set up this group to develop a national focus on food and older people. The group has met three times to date in 2014. It has: Circulated the report on the tour and provided presentation on what …
Older people eat well: literature review
In early 2014, CFHS worked with Evaluation Support Scotland to commission a short evidence review of the literature on the ways in which the third sector supports older people to eat well. This has now been published as part of the ESS ‘Stitch in Time’ programme. The starting point for the review was the nested …
Mealmakers launches
Just 10 months after our study tour to London, Mealmakers, based on one of the initiatives we met, the Casserole Club, launched in Scotland on 4 August. After months of hard work, Food Train proudly launched this new neighbourhood meal sharing project that uses an online platform to connect volunteers of any age who have …
Making the case
This publication focuses on the work of community food initiatives working with older people and will be of use to community food initiatives in building and articulating the case for their work with older people and those considering developing work in this area. It gives an overview of the needs, contexts and strategies engaged in developing food work with …
Eat Well guide for older people
Eat Well Age Well and Age Scotland have produced this guide, which provides information on how to eat a balanced diet and where to get support. You can download the guide on the Eat Well Age Well website or telephone 0131 447 8151 to order copies