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Older people’s food task force

This group continues to grow in reach and numbers, with new members from Age Scotland, Queen Margaret University, REHIS, the Befriending Network and the Health and Social Care Alliance welcomed to the latest meeting in November.

Following the well-received presentation on the work of the task force at the CFHS annual networking conference in October, Alex Neil, Cabinet Secretary for Health and Wellbeing, met with some members to find out about the work of the task force and as a result of this meeting Ministers have agreed to hold a Malnutrition Summit, which is planned for spring 2015.

Other work being taken forward by the task force includes the development of a national learning training programme around older people and food, and the promotion of the NHS Health Scotland Outcomes Framework for Older People, which was published in October 2104.

The role and remit of the group and its work plan will continue to develop further with the Ministerial Strategic Group on Health and Community Care in the light of the findings of the Malnutrition Summit.

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