A new Child Poverty Learning Hub has been launched by Public Health Scotland – five free courses that aim to provide an overview of the issue as well as outlining key actions to tackle child poverty in Scotland. It can be accessed on the Public Health Scotland virtual learning environment
Misc food and health
Eat with the seasons
Simply Veg from VegPower has a range of information, advice and ideas around eating in-season vegetables, including a downloadable seasonal veg calendar. Visit the Simply Veg website to find out more.
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Global Plant Kitchens
Global Plant Kitchens is a free online programme developed by Made in Hackney for anyone who wants to set up a vegan community cookery school. Learn about fundraising, teaching classes, growing a team and more. The team are currently looking for an organisation or person who wants to create a new plant-based food project in …
Also posted in News, Other opportunities
Recent blog posts
Mitigating long term impacts of the cost of living crisis Public Health Scotland PHS) has published a rapid assessment on the health impacts of the rising cost of living. Margaret Douglas, Consultant in Public Health, discusses what this could mean for the long term health of communities in Scotland and what can be done to …
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Vulnerable consumers advised of ongoing risk of Listeria associated with ready to eat smoked fish
Food Standards Scotland (FSS), the UKHSA and the Food Standards Agency (FSA) are reinforcing their advice to vulnerable groups of consumers in relation to the risks of Listeria monocytogenes infection linked to ready to eat smoked fish. The advice to those who are over 65, pregnant or have weakened immune systems is that they should ensure that …
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healthyliving award – what next?
The healthyliving award has been paused since March 2020. During this time, Public Health Scotland undertook an internal review of the healthyliving award and has decided not to restart it. However, it remains committed to improving dietary health in Scotland and will work with the Scottish Government and Food Standards Scotland to progress actions in …
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Climate Action Hubs
The Scottish Government has supported the development of two Climate Action hubs; one run by Thurso Community Development Trust and covering activities in the North Highlands and Islands, and the other run by Aberdeen Climate Action, covering Aberdeen and Aberdeenshire. The aim of the hubs is to embed community-led climate action throughout these regions. The North Highlands …
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Map of UK local food insecurity of adults January 2021
A collaboration between researchers at the University of Sheffield and the Food Foundation has produced a map showing local authority levels of adult food insecurity across the UK in January 2021. You can find the map and more information about the research methodology and measurements used in this blog by researcher Dr Megan Blake. https://geofoodie.org/2021/07/22/uk-local-authority-food-insecurity-map/ …
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Area of Work: Food poverty and access
COVID-19: General public health advice, resources and food safety
UPDATE: 17 April 2020. The Food Standards Agency recently produced guidance for Covid-19 guidance for food businesses and their employees. The UK government has also provided comprehensive advice for food businesses. NHS Forth Valley have produced a useful video on providing shopping to people in your community safely. For the most up to date health …
Also posted in CFHS updates, Covid-19, News
Area of Work: Covid-19 information and resources
Stay healthy this winter
Food Standards Scotland recommends taking a 10 microgram vitamin D supplement daily throughout the winter months. Groups at a higher risk of vitamin D deficiency are recommended to take a supplement year-round. These include: pregnant and breastfeeding women; infants and children under 5 years old; people who have low or no exposure to the sun, e.g. those who cover …