The study tour took place between 1 and 3 October 2013. Ten people took part in a busy two days, which included 10 different visits/meetings across London. The report provides an overview of the tour and the organisations we visited.
Topic: affordability
Study tour to London
Fare Choice Issue 57
Training opportunities; food prices; food and nostalgia; REHIS Elementary food and health course; older people eating well; Healthy Start; fare futures; class act.
Hard to Stomach
Recommendations sought by the Scottish Government from a working group on food access and affordability, supported by CFHS, were sent to Ministers shortly before the recent election campaign. The report produced by the group involved representatives from community and voluntary organisations in Edinburgh, Lanarkshire, Fife and Dumfries and Galloway.
Focus on food services for older people
On 25 February Community Food and Health (Scotland) and Consumer Focus Scotland co-hosted a roundtable discussion looking at issues around older people’s access to affordable healthy food of their choice.
Fare Choice special grants edition 2008
Special edition launching the 2008 small grants scheme and featuring a selection of the work undertaken by the previous year’s grant recipients.
Promotion of REHIS Food and Health Course to low income communities
In June 2006 Community Food and Health (Scotland) commissioned Fiona Burrell to carry out a promotion of the REHIS Food and Health course in low income communities. This summary outlines the results of the promotion.
The report of the networking conference held at the Apex Hotel in Dundee on 28 September 2006.
Breakfast Clubs… More of a Head Start
Provides an insight into the process of developing a breakfast club at every stage from set-up to sustainability in current policy climate. Poses important questions and shares practical solutions to problems that others have encountered
Fare Choice special grants edition 2006
Special edition launching the 2006 small grants scheme with information on the work of the previous year’s grant recipients.
Fare Choice Issue 68
February 2015 edition of our regular newsletter, featuring updates from the CFHS team, food and health policy news and practice, and features from the community food and health sector.