Findings from the evaluation of funding CFHS made available to support community based mental health organisation to provide training to their staff and volunteers in food and nutrition.
Topic: food training
Evaluation of community-based mental health organisations training in food, nutrition and health funding 2010
Fare Choice Issue 57
Training opportunities; food prices; food and nostalgia; REHIS Elementary food and health course; older people eating well; Healthy Start; fare futures; class act.
Fare Choice Issue 55
Food practices among low-income mothers with young children; community food initiatives tackling food poverty in Ireland; young people, food and health; Healthy Living Tastes Better
Beyond Smoothies
This short report shows what 20 groups and agencies learnt and gained from running practical healthy eating activities and taking part in the REHIS Elementary Food and Health course
Short introduction to training the trainers – healthy cookery courses
This fact sheet summarises information gathered from across Scotland on activities that ‘train the trainers’ to deliver healthy cookery and food preparation skills in low-income communities.
Fare Choice Issue 49
Recipe for Success: Going Forth conference; Food Practices in an Institutional Context – Children, Care and Control; Edinburgh Cyrenians; Confidence to Cook; Weaning Toolkit; Third Sector Enterprise Fund
Fare Choice Issue 50
Local voices; Going Forth; Healthy ‘n’ Happy; Broomhouse; The Food Train; Healthier Scotland Cooking Bus.
Food, training and learning disability
This report is mainly based on the experiences of dietitians from the Scottish Learning Disability Cinic Dietetic Network that participated in rolling out the REHIS Food and Health course to carers of people with a learning disability in their local area.
Getting the messages too
Since 2007, CFHS has supported 51 community food practitioners to obtain a RSPH Diploma in Nutrition, Certificate in Nutrition or Level 3 Award in Nutrition for Healthier Food and Special Diets This publication reports on a survey carried out in 2014 to identify if and how this investment has benefited the community food practitioners, the organisations they work for and …