In November 2011, NHS Fife commissioned Blake Stevenson Ltd to evaluate Fife’s Community Kitchen, located at Adam Smith’s College’s Levenmouth campus. The report, executive summary and appendices are included.
Topic: food preparation
Evaluation of Fife Community Kitchen
A bite and a blether
Brings together material from six lunch clubs in different parts of the country most of which are run by older people for older people.
Food, mental health and wellbeing
The bulletin summarises existing research/evidence and showcases some of the organisations in Scotland that are putting the evidence into practice.
Short introduction to training the trainers – healthy cookery courses
This fact sheet summarises information gathered from across Scotland on activities that ‘train the trainers’ to deliver healthy cookery and food preparation skills in low-income communities.
The CFHS Recipe Book
The poaChing, Frying, masHing and roaSting recipe book is a compilation of tried and tested recipes contributed by community food initiatives in Scotland to improve take up of a healthy diet by building skills in cooking and preparing food.
What about roots?
Useful leaflets giving information and recipes for cooking with root vegetables.
Glasgow Community Cafe Development Intervention
Evaluation of the Glasgow Community Cafe Development Intervention conducted in 13 community cafes in Glasgow that participated in a pilot project instigated by Greater Glasgow NHS Board, Scottish Community Diet Project and Scottish Health Choices Award Scheme
Cooking in the Community in 5 Easy Steps
This manual has been developed by Community Food Workers in Fife, and is a reflection of their shared experiences. It is intended to support organisations and their workers, who seek to promote healthy lifestyles within their local community through practical food activities.