In September 2008 we ran two tours to organisations in Aberdeen and Edinburgh delivering services for people who are homeless or at risk of homelessness and operating as social enterprise.
Topic: Grampian
Study tours September 2008
Early Years Self-evaluation Collaborative
This report highlights the first stage of a three part pilot programme commissioned by CFHS, and led by Evaluation Support Scotland to support six groups to show the impact of their work with parents and children aged 0-5 years. We are keen to find out from you how useful the report is to you and …
Fare Choice Issue 36
2006 small grant scheme; Minding Their Own Business publication; SCOFF nutrition research; Question Time; Munch Crunch; Community Food Initiatives North East; Glasgow Children’s Orchard
Fare Choice Issue 31
Community retailing; SCOFF nutrition research; food access on the Western Isles; Question Time; Fas Fallain; UK nutrition strategies; Gardening Scotland; Food and Health Alliance; Glasgow City Plan; Healthy Scotland Convention.
Scotland/Wales Food Policy and Practice Exchange
Report of a study tour to Wales organised by the Scottish Community Diet Project to continue and develop the relationship between food and health policy development in Scotland and Wales.
Northern Exposure
The report of a study tour to the North of Scotland undertaken by volunteers from community food projects in the South of Scotland.
Moray Older People’s Survey on Food and Related Issues
This report, produced from research commissioned by CFHS and undertaken by Community First Moray) provides a detailed picture of issues of concern for older people in terms of shopping, food preparation, and using food services.