A scoping study commissioned by CFHS, looking at the options for greater collective action by food co-op networks in east-central Scotland.
Topic: Lothians
Scoping study
Wallyford Participatory Appraisal
Using a range of visual tools the group engaged with a wide range of people in Wallyford to determine what is important to them about local food access.
Fare Choice Issue 30
Breastfeeding Bill; Lothian food and health strategy; SCOFF nutrition research; Gorebridge Health and Regeneration Project; Question Time; Food Standards Agency; Food and Health Council
Fare Choice Issue 4
Food Standards Agency White Paper; Bearing Fruit training; Rural Development seminar; Scottish Healthy Choices Award; nutrition research news; Information Exchange
Lothians/London Food Policy and Practice Exchange
The report of a two-way exchange organised by the Scottish Community Diet Project between people working with and within low-income communities in the Lothians and London.
Combined Agency Study Tour
The report of a study tour that took part in three different areas of central Scotland: North Lanarkshire, West Lothian and Edinburgh, involving representatives of several agencies working in food and health.
A guide to setting up a food co-op
A guide developed in partnership with West Lothian Council, West Lothian Health and Care Partnership and West Lothian Food and Health Development (WELFEHD) to support local communities to realise their idea of starting a community led food project (known as food co-ops in West Lothian). This guide will give you some food for thought and …