The report of a two-way exchange organised by the Scottish Community Diet Project between people working with and within low-income communities in the Lothians and London.
Topic: urban
Lothians/London Food Policy and Practice Exchange
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication category: Conferences and networking
Related topics: access, business, co-operative, community cafes, England, evaluation, hospitals, Lothians, low income, networking, policy, practice, study tours and exchanges, transport, urban
Area of Work: Networking and learning development
Regional Food and Health Strategy Seminar
The report of a seminar that explored the different approaches towards regional food and health strategies across Scotland and the support available for them.
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication category: Conferences and networking
Related topics: community planning, data and databases, rural, Scottish Diet Action Plan, Scottish Government, strategy, urban
Area of Work: Networking and learning development
Glasgow/Newcastle Food Policy and Practice Exchange
The report of a two-way exchange between people working with and within low-income communities on food and health inequalities in Glasgow and Newcastle
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication category: Conferences and networking
Related topics: co-operative, diet and nutrition, England, evaluation, inequalities, local, study tours and exchanges, urban
Area of Work: Networking and learning development
Routes to Health
Newsletter highlighting the work of two community projects from different urban and rural settings in Scotland – Health on Wheels in Paisley and Roots and Fruits in East Lothian – which run purpose-built mobile food shops.
Publisher: Community Food and Health (Scotland)
Publication category: Retailing and catering
Related topics: affordability, delivery, diet and nutrition, fruit and vegetables, low income, mobile, Renfrewshire, rural, shopping, supermarkets, transport, urban
Areas of Work: Community cafes and retailing, Food poverty and access
Space to Grow
A report from the Space to Grow seminar held in Stirling in April 2004 to discuss development and activities of community gardens and the range of benefits they can provide.