The reflections of Scottish participants of the conference ‘Supply, Standards and Strategy; an international conference examining how to make public sector food and its supply systems more sustainable’ which took place in London on 15th February 2007.
Topic: transport
Supply, standards and strategy
Lothians/London Food Policy and Practice Exchange
The report of a two-way exchange organised by the Scottish Community Diet Project between people working with and within low-income communities in the Lothians and London.
Food and Health on Scottish Islands
The report of a conference organised by the Scottish Community Diet Project to share information on food and health in the islands; discuss the barriers to healthier food access; examine the role of community action and identify ways of getting the message across.
Community mobile food initiatives in Scotland
Report looking at how two projects on different sides of Scotland’s central belt have attempted to tackle issues of food poverty and access by developing their own local mobile healthy food shops
Routes to Health
Newsletter highlighting the work of two community projects from different urban and rural settings in Scotland – Health on Wheels in Paisley and Roots and Fruits in East Lothian – which run purpose-built mobile food shops.
Meals and messages
Outlines the main findings from the study together with recommendation for action by the Scottish Government, local authorities and local communities.