The organisations below deliver training suitable for people involved in community cookery sessions. Some of these will be available only for specific groups or staff in the area; however, it is worth contacting them to find out about wider availability.
Where to go for training to run cookery courses
- How to Run a Cooking Group Course – this short course is accredited by REHIS and is delivered across Scotland.
- Community Cookit Coach Training Tayside – provides a two day coaching programme for those wishing be involved in practical food work in a community setting.
- Confidence to Cook: delivers food and health training for trainers in Grampian.
- Good Food Good Health Joint Award: Train the trainer in delivery of cooking classes – this accredited REHIS/Cyrenians Joint Award is tailored to support workers to help clients from vulnerable groups learn valuable independent living skills focused on food and health
- NHS Forth Valley Community Food Development Workers: deliver training for trainers
- NHS Ayrshire and Arran Health Promotion/Community Food Work Team provides training to staff and volunteers working in the Early Years sector in the area.
Guides and toolkits
See the community cooking page for resources on how to run sessions.