More and more local community food and health initiatives are getting together to create networks covering a range of food topics where they can share information, provide peer support and link with funders and decision makers. Many areas have established or are developing Sustainable Food Places (SFP) networks which aim to take action across food systems. Local authority websites and Third Sector Interfaces are also good sources of information about what is going on in your area: many include directories or maps of food organisations.
Where to go for local networks
- Aberdeen: Granite City Good Food (Sustainable Food Places Network co-ordinated by CFINE)
- Borders: Abundant Borders
- Clacks Good Food (SFP)
- Dundee Food Insecurity Network
- Dumfries and Galloway Sustainable Food Partnership (SFP)
- East Renfrewshire Food Dignity Network
- Edinburgh Community Cafe Network (Co-ordinated by Edinburgh Community Food)
- Edible Edinburgh (Sustainable Food Places network co-ordinated by Edinburgh Community Food)
- Fife: Food4Fife Partnership (SFP)
- Glasgow Community Food Network
- Glasgow Food Policy Partnership – Good Food For All (SFP)
- Highland Good Food Partnership (SFP)
- Inverclyde Community Food
- Moray: Fairer Moray Forum
- North Ayrshire Food Forum (SFP)
- South Lanarkshire Good Food Forum (SFP)
- Stirling Regional Food Partnership (SFP)
- Shetland Fair Food Project
- West Lothian Food Network