If you are catering to the public there are all sorts of things to consider, from registering your food premises to when to charge VAT and traceability of ingredients.
Guides and toolkits
- Cracking Community Cafes series (Ethical Eats and Making Local Food Work 2013)
- The community business success guide to cafés (Power to Change 2018)
- Good practice guide to running a community cafe (Myplace Support Team 2011)
- Your guide to starting a successful dementia café (Age UK)
- Setting Up A Community Garden Cafe (Social Farms & Gardens 2018)
Learning from other projects
- Community cafés and retailing: case studies section on this website
- Community cafe learning event report (CFHS 2015)
Where to go for more advice
- Advice for New Businesses (Food Standards Scotland)
- Midlothian Community Cafe Guide and Recipe Book (Midlothian Financial Inclusion Network 2015)
- CookSafe Manual: food safety manual, including checklists for minimising/managing risks in catering (Food Standards Scotland)
- HealthyLiving award: includes healthy recipes