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What your research means – analysis, preparing your report and sharing your findings with others

Analysing your data

The information you collect from your interviews, focus groups and surveys will need to be analysed to find out what your research shows. Analysing data involves filtering the information you have collected through a number of stages to identify themes, key messages, and quotes that illustrate the main points in your report.  The process helps you to reach conclusions about what you have found out about. See how to analyse your data

Preparing your report

Reporting on your findings is one of the last tasks of your research project. The guide for preparing a research report details the main headings that you should include such as background, research questions, methodology, findings and conclusions. This structure will help you to generate an overall report which you can then use in different ways to share with your audiences.

Sharing your findings with others

We often think that research involves writing a long report, but there are many other ways to present your findings. Most importantly, you should think about how best to communicate or share your findings with different audiences. Different methods include: creating a summary version for wider circulation; preparing a power point presentation for an event; turning your findings into an article for a community newsletter.


  • Make data analysis fun, do it together, and discuss what you are discovering.
  • Keep notes as you go to be sure not to miss anything.
  • Create a template for your report and share out the different sections.
  • Share your findings with different audiences.


Code Resource Description
4a How to analyse your data Guidance on how to analyse data including qualitative data.
4b Guide for preparing a research report A template and guide for structuring a research report which details what to include in each section.