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Food poverty and access

New blog post – Pasta with a past: the collective memory and collective consciousness of Scotland’s community food initiatives

A government policy document a few years ago noted that, “Scotland has both a remarkable legacy as well as an admirable current resource in its social enterprises, community and voluntary sector.” Why? No-one likes to reinvent the wheel, be told by another project after hitting a snag that they could have told them where the …

Posted in CFHS Blog, CFHS updates, News | Areas of Work: , |

Just getting on with it

Practitioners who run cooking skills courses have told us that they have worked with course participants who may be experiencing food insecurity and were struggling to feed themselves and their families. We wanted to explore this issue further by undertaking a short project to find out: what methods community cooking course practitioners currently use to support those …

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Cooking skills blog 33: Working with vulnerable groups: Supporting people affected by food insecurity: ideas from practitioners

Last year, Katy Gordon, a PhD student took part in an internship within CFHS. Katy ran an online survey and interviewed practitioners to find out how they supported people experiencing food insecurity on their cooking skills courses. Her full report ‘Just getting on with it’ is now available.  Meanwhile here are few examples of activities they …

Posted in CFHS Blog, CFHS updates, Recruiting and working with vulnerable groups | Areas of Work: , , |

Cooking skills blog 28: How do cooking course practitioners support people experiencing food insecurity?

Katy Gordon, a PhD student took part in an internship within the CFHS programme late last year. She focused on a project on food insecurity and cooking courses and carried out an online survey and interviewed practitioners from six organisations. Here are the main findings from a report (which will be available in May). Six …

Posted in CFHS Blog, CFHS updates, Recruiting and working with vulnerable groups | Areas of Work: , , |

Household food insecurity

In December 2016, at Serenity Café in Edinburgh, a workshop was held sharing learning about, and reflecting on, work that is currently taking place in Scotland and in the rest of the UK on the issue of household food insecurity measurement. The day was supported by NHS Health Scotland, the Rural and Environment Science and …

Posted in CFHS updates, Events and conferences, News, Research and consultations | Areas of Work: , |

Community cooking groups: supporting people who are struggling to have enough food to get them/their families through the week

Do you run or manage cooking courses within low income communities in Scotland?  Do you sometimes find participants are struggling to have enough food to get them through the week?  Do have 15 minutes to complete an online survey? Community Food and Health (Scotland) are undertaking a project exploring the methods which cooking course trainers …

Posted in CFHS updates, News, Research and consultations | Areas of Work: , |

Cooking skills blog 20: Are cooking skills courses any use to people experiencing food poverty?

Many practitioners running cooking courses across Scotland try to ensure these focus on preparing tasty, affordable healthy meals, using ingredients that can be bought in the shops that course participants already use. However, what do you do if you become aware that someone on your course might not be able to afford these budget recipes, …

Posted in CFHS Blog, CFHS updates, Cooking skills research, Recruiting and working with vulnerable groups | Areas of Work: , , |

Community-led research into food security and insecurity

Research reports from our three community partners – Central and West Integration Network, Linwood Community Development Trust, and Borders Healthy Living Network are now available. Borders Healthy Living Network has also produced a video, which can be found below. The research aimed to explore aspirations of food security and experience of food insecurity from people …

Posted in CFHS updates, News | Areas of Work: , |


Following the launch of the Fair Food Fund on Monday, today saw the publishing of Dignity: Ending Hunger Together in Scotland, the report of the Independent Working Group on Food Poverty.  “These recommendations are founded on the principles of dignity and inclusion. People with lived experience of food poverty must be at the heart of …

Posted in News, Publications news | Area of Work: |

Emergency food aid: understand and act

Organisations across Scotland providing advice and support to people who may use emergency food aid, community food and health projects and statutory bodies with an interest in the issue are being asked to complete a survey being undertaken by the Poverty Alliance, on behalf of partners, all of whom are interested in better understanding the …

Posted in Funding news, News, Research and consultations | Area of Work: |