Our latest e-bulletin has information on challenging poverty in Glasgow, diet and nutrition, research and policy, as well as news, reports, latest events and funding. You can access the e-bulletin here
CFHS updates
Challenging Poverty in Glasgow
Many community food initiatives work in collaboration with others to address poverty. One example is Glasgow Community Food Network (GCFN), which brings together a wide range of community food initiatives from within the city, including those addressing poverty. GCFN is also part of the Glasgow Food Policy Partnership that aims to develop a co-ordinated response …
Posted in CFHS updates
Challenging poverty in Glasgow
Challenging poverty in Glasgow Challenge Poverty Week is coming up. (2 -8 October)2, which aims to challenge the injustice of poverty and show how collective action can help. One of its five policy asks is around food, ‘A Scotland where no-one goes hungry’. Many community food initiatives work in collaboration with others to address poverty. …
CFHS August e-bulletin
Our latest e-bulletin has information on learning from collaboration, diet and nutrition, research and policy, as well as news, reports, latest events and funding. You can access the e-bulletin here
Also posted in News, Publications news
CFHS e-bulletin July 2023
Our latest e-bulletin has information on community food and local food partnerships, Good Food Nation, and the Scottish Government’s Cash-First fund, as well as news, reports, latest events and funding. You can access the e-bulletin here.
Also posted in News
Community food and local food partnerships
In this blog post we show how the community food sector is playing a role in the development of Sustainable Food Places (SFP) in Scotland and how SFP aims can contribute to plans for Scotland to become a Good Food Nation. The community food sector can play a key role in local collaborative work, and …
CFHS e-bulletin June 2023
Our latest e-bulletin has information on cash-first approaches to food insecurity, and features the Scottish Government Towards Ending the Need for Food Banks plan, as well as news, reports, latest events and funding. You can access the e-bulletin here.
Also posted in News
Cash-first: Towards Ending the Need for Food Banks in Scotland: plan
A commitment to a ‘cash-first’ approach to tackling food insecurity is at the heart of a new Scottish Government plan to reduce the need for people to turn to food banks. The plan sets out nine actions which will be taken over the next three years to improve responses to food insecurity. The role of …
Also posted in News, Policy news
CFHS e-bulletin October 2023
Our latest e-bulletin contains a very short and easy-to-complete readership survey, news about diet and nutrition and research and policy, as well as reports, latest events and funding. You can access the e-bulletin here.