What can community food initiatives do to support cash first approaches to food insecurity?
Posted: February 20, 2024
Published online today, this briefing paper will provide clarity on, raise awareness of, and support use of cash first approaches as the primary response to tackling food insecurity. This will include examples and clarity on how community food initiatives are currently supporting this, ideas on how to join with others locally to further support cash first approaches, and address dignity principles.
What can community food initiatives do to support cash first approaches to food insecurity?
Published online today, this briefing paper will provide clarity on, raise awareness of, and support use of cash first approaches as the primary response to tackling food insecurity. This will include examples and clarity on how community food initiatives are currently supporting this, ideas on how to join with others locally to further support cash first approaches, and address dignity principles.
You can access the paper on the Public Health Scotland website.