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Zero Waste Cooking Day

Martin Carle, Community Food Initiatives North East (CFINE)’s Sustainable Food Co-ordinator tells us about a cooking day:

As part of the recent ‘Climate Week North East,CFINE and Granite City Good Food held a zero waste cooking day on the 20th March. The workshop invited members of the community to come along to Cook at the Nook, CFINE’s Community Kitchen, to get stuck in and involved in tackling food waste through cooking. The workshop covered a wide variety of different techniques to tackle food waste, including making a batch of soup from surplus vegetables, baking vegetable peelings into ‘crisps’, pickling and preserving vegetables, and even baking pancakes and bread from surplus porridge!

With a unique mix of dishes prepared, participants then enjoyed the food during a table talk on sustainable food waste and a discussion around the ways CFINE and Granite City Good Food act on tackling food waste and promoting climate-friendly food.

The workshop was enormously successful, and even gained some coverage in the local newspaper- the Press and Journal (I took part in a zero waste cooking class at Cfine in Aberdeen (, and our local third sector bulletin (ACVO News: ACVO News April 2024 – ACVO TSI).  We were also very proud that local MSP, Kevin Stewart, recognised the impact of the workshop in a parliamentary motion (S6M-12760 | Scottish Parliament Website)- just fantastic and its great this topic and activity is getting coverage through parliament!

All the resources and information from the day have been compiled on the Granite City Good Food website, and we welcome everyone and anyone to make use of these, as well as sharing any zero waste food tips of their own! The resources can be found here: CFINE Zero Waste Cooking Day (

Martin Carle




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