SCDC is inviting anyone from community groups and networks, and people working with communities, to give their views on participation requests. The Scottish Government is consulting on the regulations to accompany Part 3 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act, Participation Requests. SCDC will be supporting the formal consultation by running a parallel consultation process on the detail of the regulations and on the content of the statutory guidance. This will consist of a series of focus groups followed by an online survey (later in spring) to gather your views. The legislation on participation requests provides a process for communities to request to work alongside public sector bodies to improve outcomes, and sets out duties on how public service authorities deal with such requests. SCDC has produced a briefing which explains this process in more detail.
More information is available on SCDC’s website and you can register your interest for SCDC’s consultation at
Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act – Register your interest for SCDC’s consultation on participation requests
SCDC is inviting anyone from community groups and networks, and people working with communities, to give their views on participation requests. The Scottish Government is consulting on the regulations to accompany Part 3 of the Community Empowerment (Scotland) Act, Participation Requests. SCDC will be supporting the formal consultation by running a parallel consultation process on the detail of the regulations and on the content of the statutory guidance. This will consist of a series of focus groups followed by an online survey (later in spring) to gather your views. The legislation on participation requests provides a process for communities to request to work alongside public sector bodies to improve outcomes, and sets out duties on how public service authorities deal with such requests. SCDC has produced a briefing which explains this process in more detail.
More information is available on SCDC’s website and you can register your interest for SCDC’s consultation at