The Children’s Future Food Inquiry have published new analysis which compares the cost of Public Health England’s ‘Eatwell Guide’ with household expenditure across the UK, examining the affordability of a healthy diet in each of the UK’s four nations. The paper looks closely at how food affordability gaps affect children in the UK, and highlights the number of children who are living in households that are unlikely to be able to afford the recommended diet. The report and accompanying infographic can be downloaded from the Food Foundation website.
How affordable is a healthy diet?
The Children’s Future Food Inquiry have published new analysis which compares the cost of Public Health England’s ‘Eatwell Guide’ with household expenditure across the UK, examining the affordability of a healthy diet in each of the UK’s four nations. The paper looks closely at how food affordability gaps affect children in the UK, and highlights the number of children who are living in households that are unlikely to be able to afford the recommended diet. The report and accompanying infographic can be downloaded from the Food Foundation website.