CFHS, the Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens, and the Food and Health Alliance are holding a joint event on 20 November, at Oatridge College, West Lothian, from 9.30 am to 4 pm.
The event will give community growers, community retailers and Food and Health Alliance members an opportunity to find out more about each other and the work that they do, and explore possibilities of working more closely together. The event also includes space for community growers, community retailers and FHA members to meet and talk separately about challenges and opportunities relevant to their work.
Our event is open to anyone involved in community growing, community retailing, and in the Food and Health Alliance. While all sessions will be open to anyone with an interest in the topics, the programme is being designed so that participants can ‘dip in’ to / ‘dip out’ of parts of the day.
Transport may be available from Uphall train station to and from the venue.
The full programme for the event will be available shortly.
To apply for places, email Anne,, or phone 0131 313 7505, by 9 November.
Forthcoming event
CFHS, the Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens, and the Food and Health Alliance are holding a joint event on 20 November, at Oatridge College, West Lothian, from 9.30 am to 4 pm.
The event will give community growers, community retailers and Food and Health Alliance members an opportunity to find out more about each other and the work that they do, and explore possibilities of working more closely together. The event also includes space for community growers, community retailers and FHA members to meet and talk separately about challenges and opportunities relevant to their work.
Our event is open to anyone involved in community growing, community retailing, and in the Food and Health Alliance. While all sessions will be open to anyone with an interest in the topics, the programme is being designed so that participants can ‘dip in’ to / ‘dip out’ of parts of the day.
Transport may be available from Uphall train station to and from the venue.
The full programme for the event will be available shortly.
To apply for places, email Anne,, or phone 0131 313 7505, by 9 November.