CFHS brought together a range of local and national agencies for a round table discussion on ‘constructive food and health policy and practice in the face of austerity’ on 31 July.
The discussion looked at how, in the face of reports of increasing food poverty, to develop policy and practice responses that are progressive and empowering rather than potentially fostering dependence.
Footing the bill or thinking ahead
CFHS brought together a range of local and national agencies for a round table discussion on ‘constructive food and health policy and practice in the face of austerity’ on 31 July.
The discussion looked at how, in the face of reports of increasing food poverty, to develop policy and practice responses that are progressive and empowering rather than potentially fostering dependence.
A note of the discussion ‘Footing the bill or thinking ahead’ is now available.
You can join in the discussion at our national conference on 7 November.