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Eating Out, Eating Well Framework pilot participation

Access to affordable, healthy, acceptable food is essential for health. We are increasingly eating out of home. And customers are increasingly looking to make healthy and sustainable choices when eating out.

The Eating Out, Eating Well Framework and Code of Practice for Children’s menus has been developed by Public Health Scotland and Food Standards Scotland to support out of home food outlets to provide healthier and more sustainable options. The framework aims to work with the out of home food sector to put healthy food centre stage and make sure healthy and more sustainable options are available no matter where we live, work, and play.

Recruitment to participate in a 6-month pilot of the Eating out, Eating Well Framework and Code of Practice for Children’s menus is now open to food outlets.

More information on what is required and how to apply is available on the Public Health Scotland website.

The deadline for applications is 11 December 2023.

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