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Cooking skills blog 31: Cooking course resources: updates from REHIS

Yesterday I attended the Royal Environmental Health Institute of Scotland (REHIS) seminar for practitioners who run the REHIS accredited Elementary Cooking skills course and other REHIS food and health courses. REHIS, Obesity Action Scotland, Food Standards Scotland and I, provided updates on resources and information around food and health and/ or training. Updates included:

Planned REHIS course on how to teach other people how to cook

The REHIS elementary cooking skills course has become increasingly popular since its introduction a few years ago. To support capacity for those that would like to run it (or for those that simply want to be more confident about running informal and safe cooking groups) REHIS has been working on an accredited ‘How to cook with groups’ (working title) course. They hope this will be available later this year. This short (minimum 6 hours) course will be aimed at those who can already cook and have food safety skills. It will focus on:

  • Planning a cooking group
  • Delivering cooking group sessions
  • Assessing and evaluating the cooking group

We have information about other train the trainer courses that are currently available across Scotland on our own website.

Food and health resources and training

 REHIS recently introduced a 3 hour Introduction to food and health course which focuses on the eatwell guide,  food labelling and issues around barriers to healthier eating.

FSS have recently added an Interactive eatwell guide to their website

Eating well for older people course

A new REHIS Older people eating well course will be available soon. This short, 3 hour course aims to raise awareness of malnutrition amongst older people and how it can be prevented. The course will cover:

  • Eating for health and wellbeing
  • Nutritional and health needs of older people
  • Supporting older people to eat well

Quick read information on diet and obesity in Scotland

If you are looking for some information about Scotland’s diet, the FSS’s The Scottish Diet: It needs to change uses infographics to describe it and briefings from Obesity Action Scotland cover topics such as childhood obesity and food labelling.

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