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Chewing things over … CFHS annual networking conference

The CFHS annual networking conference took place on 26 October in Edinburgh. Thank you to those who attended and contributed to the day, particularly to our speakers, Martyn Evans, Chief Executive, Carnegie Trust UK, and Ewan Aitken, Chief Executive Officer, Cyrenians, and to our Chair, Iain Stewart, Chief Executive of Edinburgh Community Food.

The conference was an opportunity for people to come together, learn from each other and share experience on all aspects of food, inequality and social justice.  After the speakers and a morning workshop, delegates had the opportunity to take part in dedicated networking activities in the afternoon, and were joined in this by the Minister for Public Health and Sport.

The theme of the day was kindness, and taking a dignified and compassionate approach to food insecurity.

Presentations from the day are available below.

Kindness in the community pilots: Martyn Evans
Something to eat, someone to eat with – video presentation: Ewan Aitken

Workshop: community-led research
Workshop: turning knowledge into action
Workshop: collaborative working


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