The NHS Health Scotland suite of Healthy Living public facing resources will be updated in 2012-13 and support is needed to guide the development of these national publications.
These publications relate to Child Healthy Weight, Food & Health and Physical Activity & Healthy Weight in Scotland, across all age stages. By supporting the update, you are sure to gain valuable experience of being part of a national steering group and an insight into resource development. Three new topic based steering groups will ensure that the publication revisions are guided by people who have experience of using Healthy Living resources in practice and/or professional expertise in the topic areas.
The three Healthy Living steering group topics are:
- Child Healthy Weight Publication Steering Group
- Food & Health Publication Steering Group (including ‘Eating for Health’ and ‘Hassle Free Food’)
- Physical Activity & Healthy Weight Steering Group (including ‘Hassle Free Exercise’ and ‘Physical Activity During and After Pregnancy’)
Each of these groups will meet on a couple of occasions throughout 2012-13 to:
- review and edit the content within the identified Healthy Living publication titles (according to the update schedule and time you can commit);
- and guide the dissemination of revised publications and raise awareness of these National publications.
Expressions of interest are welcome from anyone currently using these publication titles or similar resources with the target audience or those with an interest or professional expertise in these topic areas.
To find our more about the purpose and remit of the steering groups or to express interest in joining, please email Karen Mailer.
NHS Health Scotland Healthy Living publications update
The NHS Health Scotland suite of Healthy Living public facing resources will be updated in 2012-13 and support is needed to guide the development of these national publications.
These publications relate to Child Healthy Weight, Food & Health and Physical Activity & Healthy Weight in Scotland, across all age stages. By supporting the update, you are sure to gain valuable experience of being part of a national steering group and an insight into resource development. Three new topic based steering groups will ensure that the publication revisions are guided by people who have experience of using Healthy Living resources in practice and/or professional expertise in the topic areas.
The three Healthy Living steering group topics are:
Each of these groups will meet on a couple of occasions throughout 2012-13 to:
Expressions of interest are welcome from anyone currently using these publication titles or similar resources with the target audience or those with an interest or professional expertise in these topic areas.
To find our more about the purpose and remit of the steering groups or to express interest in joining, please email Karen Mailer.