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New CFHS publications

We have recently produced a range of publications on the impact of cookery skills, resources for cookery skills sessions, the impact of investing small amounts of funding in community food and health retailers and the evaluation of a CFHS learning and development programme and the impact of the CFHS small grant scheme.

Healthy eating and beyond – the impact of cookery sessions is a fact sheet that provides a snapshot of community cookery sessions being delivered around Scotland.

Resources, toolkits and recipes for community cookery provides a list of resources suitable for groups who wish to develop community cookery sessions in low-income communities.

The impact of investing small amounts of funding in community food and health organisations is a fact sheet that highlights the results of providing community food retailers with small amounts of funding to promote their activities and increase fruit and vegetable sales.

CFHS learning and development programme evaluation looks at what impact this programme had on groups taking part.

What is the impact of the CFHS small grants scheme? Demonstrates the reach and impact of the scheme over a three year period.

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