With the assistance of the Scottish Community Development Centre, CFHS is looking for your experience of local outcomes.
Following the very positive response to last January’s ‘Celebrating Outcomes’ report, looking at national outcomes, CFHS has commissioned the Scottish Community Development Centre to work with them putting together a report on the ways in which local outcomes are decided and defined, showing ways in which community food and health initiatives can work with local government and others to help design outcomes, and showing how the work of these initiatives can help make the outcomes a reality. So, whether you are involved in developing and embedding a single outcome agreement, or a community plan, or a service delivery plan we would be keen to hear from you. We would also want to hear from you if you have any views or opinions about how outcomes are developed and used at a local level – success stories; critical perspectives, whatever.
If you would like to talk about this, please contact Stuart Hashagen at Scottish Community Development Centre on 0141 222 4846 or at stuart@scdc.org.uk or Stuart.Hashagen@consumerfocus.org.uk.
A call for community food initiatives
With the assistance of the Scottish Community Development Centre, CFHS is looking for your experience of local outcomes.
Following the very positive response to last January’s ‘Celebrating Outcomes’ report, looking at national outcomes, CFHS has commissioned the Scottish Community Development Centre to work with them putting together a report on the ways in which local outcomes are decided and defined, showing ways in which community food and health initiatives can work with local government and others to help design outcomes, and showing how the work of these initiatives can help make the outcomes a reality. So, whether you are involved in developing and embedding a single outcome agreement, or a community plan, or a service delivery plan we would be keen to hear from you. We would also want to hear from you if you have any views or opinions about how outcomes are developed and used at a local level – success stories; critical perspectives, whatever.
If you would like to talk about this, please contact Stuart Hashagen at Scottish Community Development Centre on 0141 222 4846 or at stuart@scdc.org.uk or Stuart.Hashagen@consumerfocus.org.uk.