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Celebrating the 50th edition of Fare Choice

In CFHS’s most recent edition of Fare Choice (edition 50!) we included a couple of exciting opportunities for community food initiatives across Scotland.

Firstly, we included a template for community food initiatives to complete, telling us about how you feel your work is contributing to national outcomes. More information and a copy of the template can be found in our Current Work pages of the website under the section ‘Community food sector as a key contributor to health’. We will be collating everybody’s responses to create a picture of the sector’s work and to showcase examples of how community food initiatives are making a key contribution across Scotland.

Secondly, to celebrate this special edition of Fare Choice, five lucky readers received a golden ticket within their copies of the newsletter. Winning ticket holders will receive £50 gift tokens. If you check inside your edition of Fare Choice and find that you are a winner then let us know!

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