This free event, co-hosted by Community Food and Health (Scotland) and Edinburgh Cyrenians, is an opportunity for those responsible for developing strategy to engage in dialogue with those who carry out food and health work with people affected by homelessness across Scotland and those who benefit directly from this work.
The event takes place at the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh from 10 am to 1 pm on Thursday 25 June.
A booking form and further information about the event and CFHS work in relation to food, health and homelessness is available in our Current Work section.
The Missing Ingredients: what we are learning and what we need to do about food, health and homeless
This free event, co-hosted by Community Food and Health (Scotland) and Edinburgh Cyrenians, is an opportunity for those responsible for developing strategy to engage in dialogue with those who carry out food and health work with people affected by homelessness across Scotland and those who benefit directly from this work.
The event takes place at the Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh from 10 am to 1 pm on Thursday 25 June.
A booking form and further information about the event and CFHS work in relation to food, health and homelessness is available in our Current Work section.