Community Food and Health (Scotland) believes that the experience and understanding of disadvantaged communities will be crucial in ensuring future policy around food is inclusive and is keen to assist Scotland’s low-income communities to have their say by:
raising awareness of the discussion paper and encouraging individual responses
holding a FREE national event on 18 March 2008 in Glasgow (11am-3pm) for those involved in food and health activity in low-income communities, to facilitate discussion and collect responses to feed back to the Scottish Government.
offering funding (max £500) to support local/regional meetings on the future of food in Scotland.
Full information (PDF 248 kb) on what assistance is being offered and a booking form (Word 832 kb) for the national seminar are now available, along with an application form (Word 310 kb) for local meeting funding.
National food discussion: have your say
The discussion paper Choosing the Right Ingredients – the future of food for Scotland sets out the Scottish Government’s vision for food in Scotland.
Community Food and Health (Scotland) believes that the experience and understanding of disadvantaged communities will be crucial in ensuring future policy around food is inclusive and is keen to assist Scotland’s low-income communities to have their say by:
Full information (PDF 248 kb) on what assistance is being offered and a booking form (Word 832 kb) for the national seminar are now available, along with an application form (Word 310 kb) for local meeting funding.