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Knowing Me, Knowing You 2 – Learning exchange reports and video

Community Food and Health (Scotland), CHEX and Voluntary Health Scotland recently organised a series of learning exchange and study visits between public sector workers and those working in the community and voluntary sector. Reports for these events have now been completed and are available to download, along with videos from the days.

A 2015 learning exchange took place on 3rd March 2015 and brought together people from a range of backgrounds to discuss their differing perspectives on the shared task of tackling Scotland’s health inequalities.

Following this, a series of study visits were attended by civil servants and members of staff, firstly to Lothian Community Health Initiatives Forum in Edinburgh. LCHIF support the work of community projects across Edinburgh and the Lothians who use a community development approach to tackle health inequalities.

This was followed by a visit to 3D DrumchapelCOPE Scotland and Drumchapel L.I.F.E, all organisations working around health and inequality in the west of Glasgow. Members of staff from the Scottish Government and NHS Health Scotland attended and heard about the work each organisation is carrying out.

Funded by The Third Sector Unit of Scottish Government, the learning exchange programme from was built on lessons from a pilot which was organised in 2012/13.

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