In 2014 CFHS commissioned Avril Blamey and Jacki Gordon and Associates to carry out a review of community cooking skills activities run by community initiatives and agencies. CFHS would like to thank all those that responded to our request for reports or who took part in focus groups. This report will be published in May. …
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CFHS research report on community cooking skills activities to be published in May
Food Standards Scotland (FSS) launched
From 1 April FSS, the new public sector body for Scotland takes over the responsibilities previously carried out in Scotland by the Food Standards Agency. Visit its new website for more information.
What are your children eating beyond the school gate?
More than three quarters of young people buy food or drink beyond the school gate at least twice a week, according to a new report by a University of Hertfordshire research team. You can download the research report here.
Work opportunities
Plunkett Foundation are recruiting advisers to advise and support groups creating and running community enterprises in rural and urban areas. They are looking for people who understand and can advise on a range of business areas, community engagement and community development, or retailing and merchandising. The closing date to apply is 5pm on Tuesday 14 …
Community Food Practices’ Impact on Health Inequalities, 7 May, 12 – 4 p.m. University of Strathclyde
Part of Strathclyde University’s Engage Week, this event is aimed at social enterprises interested in food as a means of tackling health inequalities and policy makers in the field of social enterprise, community food policy or health inequality. It will look at: sharing learning; building a food, social enterprise and health research agenda; and, developing …
Are you running or wanting to run on-line services?
Community Food Moray is carrying out a survey to find out about community food initiatives developing on-line services. They hope that community food initiatives will take a few minutes to complete it. For more information, contact Jo at Community Food Moray,
Perth and Kinross Healthy Communities Collaborative new case study
A case study about the work of Perth and Kinross Healthy Communities Collaborative has been added to the case studies section of our website. The Collaborative works with older people in Birnam and Dunkeld. It takes an asset-based approach to its work, which focuses on healthy diets and eating well.
Working with Scotland’s Communities survey
The Working with Scotland’s Communities survey is a research study to find out more about the range of paid staff and volunteers in community learning and development roles across Scotland. The survey is being carried out by Education Scotland on behalf of the Scottish Government, in partnership with a range of organisations with a remit …
Happier Mealtimes campaign
People across Scotland are being encouraged to make the most of fresh and in-season local food with the launch of the Scottish Government’s Food Provenance ‘Happier Mealtimes’ campaign. You will find more information here
Community cooking skills activities in Scotland: CFHS event
Booking has opened for this Community Food and Health (Scotland) event, which is being held in Central Glasgow, Thursday 18 June, 9.30 to 1.00, followed by lunch. This free event is open to anyone who would like to hear about research and evaluation of community cooking skills activities in Scotland. You will hear from: Avril …