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Social enterprise learning and development opportunities

In partnership with CFHS, the Social Enterprise Academy is running two learning and development days for community food and health organisations with an interest in social enterprise and wanting to find out more.

The programme for the two days is designed to provide participants with an introduction to two vital ingredients for successful social enterprises: business planning and strategy, and measuring your impact. Fifteen places will be available on both days, with priority for places being given to volunteers, staff and management committee members from community food initiatives. Staff from statutory and other agencies that will be working with or supporting the establishment of enterprising community-led food and health activities are welcome to apply. Priority will also be given to applicants wishing to attend both days.

The dates for the two days are Wednesday 3 February and Wednesday 10 March 2010, venue to be confirmed. The closing date for applications is 22 January.

For more information and details of how to apply, please contact us.

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